Drink — for a Smile!

The PR-Agency «Pioneer» conducted a series of actions together with the ORBI Foundation.

At 2019 the Agency organized 4 events for the people at IV regional forum "Family" and for businessmen at the charity game #MassOnClub. The action was held to inform citizens about the signs of a stroke. 500 Tyumen residents of different ages took part in the Federal project "Drink — for a smile".
After performing only 3 simple steps:
  1. smiling broadly,
  2. saying your name
  3. holding out both hands for a glass
- children and adults got a healthy drink and also remembered the main markers of stroke. And the ability to recognize them will save lives.
"According to recent data From the Department of fundamental and clinical neurology and neurosurgeons of the Pirogov state MEDICAL University IN Russia, half a million people are diagnosed with Stroke every year. These are big numbers. In Western countries, the indicator of this disease is significantly lower, since they had introduced stroke prevention Programs much earlier, as well as informing the population, including children, about its signs, - says the organizer of the event, Director of the agency «Pioneer» Polina Garanina. — The problem - whether the patient will have time to provide emergency assistance-is significant. After all, no more than 4 hours are given for emergency care in case of a stroke. But on average, only 30% of patients apply for it during this time. And it's not about traffic on the roads or poor ambulance performance. The main problem is the low literacy of the population. After all, the insidious feature of a stroke is that it does not have a pain syndrome. Your face may be distorted, your hand may weaken, or your speech may be impaired. But it is painless. And without the pain factor, many patients do not pay attention to the syndromes of the disease and miss such an expensive time - a blood clot already destroys part of the brain." 
That is why we have to inform the public about the signs of stroke — it will really save lives.  
The Agency turned out to be a lot of help. Useful drinks for smiles were provided free of charge by the «Shokoladnitsa» coffee-shop and the «Eurasia business hotel». Famous TV-presenters and bloggers helped to distribute magnets with information about signs of stroke and actions when they occurred at the first event.